2013 m. spalio 27 d., sekmadienis

Still life: 2D shape and 3D form

This is a drawing which was done using charcoal.It took me about five minutes to draw it. It‘s composition was done by filling the background what is called negative space.The shapes stay untouched. Siluet of the sprayer is orphaned as for the other two object look together but they aren‘t because the cylinder is futher away from the first object they just look together because objects don‘t have shadows that would tell that there is a space between them.
Second  drawing was done using graphite pencil. The horizontal and vertical lines in every object create form and the depth of the objects. It gives as three dimensional view.The objects  look as they are floating because there was no basis like a table drawn underneath the figures. Bottle is cut in half because of poor planning. It‘s also orphaned because it is separeted from the other same goes for the cup that also looks orphaned. There is some sort of siluet of a skull. Vase and the skull almost imply that they are kissing but skull doesn‘t look finished and it doesn‘t apper to end at start of vase so it isn‘t kissing.

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